How to Accurately Measure PPFD for Optimal Plant Growth

Measuring light for the plants
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Introduction to the measurement of PPFD

Plants rely on sunlight to perform photosynthesis and grow, but the intensity and duration of that light can greatly impact their health and development. One important factor to consider is the photosynthetic photon flux density, or PPFD, which measures the amount of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) that reaches a specific area per second. PAR is the range of wavelengths of light that plants can use for photosynthesis, and it falls within the 400-700 nanometer range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Accurately measuring PPFD is crucial for ensuring that plants receive the optimal amount of light for their specific needs. Too little light can result in slow or stunted growth, while too much can cause plants to become stressed or even die. The PPFD level can also affect the rate at which plants produce flowers and fruit.

There are a variety of tools available for measuring PPFD, including quantum meters, light meters, and smartphone apps. It is important to choose the right tool for the job and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to get accurate readings.

Before taking the measurement, it is important to set up the measurement area properly. This includes determining the appropriate height for the measurement, considering the angle of the light source, and taking into account any obstacles that may affect the measurement. Once the measurement is taken, it is important to compare the result to the optimal PPFD range for the specific plant species and make any necessary adjustments to the intensity or duration of the light source.

Regularly monitoring and adjusting PPFD is key to ensuring the health and success of your plants. In this blog, we will go into detail on how to accurately measure PPFD and interpret the results to optimize plant growth.

Tools needed to measure PPFD

There are several tools available for measuring PPFD, each with its own advantages and limitations. Some of the most common tools include quantum meters, light meters, and smartphone apps.

Quantum meters, also known as quantum sensors or quantum light meters, are specialized devices designed specifically for measuring PPFD. They use a photodetector to measure the number of photons within the PAR range and convert that measurement into units of PPFD. Quantum meters are typically more accurate and reliable than other types of PPFD measurement tools, but they can also be more expensive.

Light meters are more general-purpose devices that measure a wide range of light intensities and wavelengths. They use a photodetector to measure the intensity of light and convert it into a numerical value. Light meters can be used to measure PPFD, but they may not be as accurate as quantum meters because they do not specifically measure photons within the PAR range.

Smartphone apps are a convenient and low-cost option for measuring PPFD. Many apps use the camera and flash on the smartphone to measure the intensity of light, although some may use the phone’s ambient light sensor. It is important to note that smartphone apps may not be as accurate as dedicated measurement tools, and the accuracy can vary depending on the quality of the phone’s camera and sensor.

When choosing a tool to measure PPFD, it is important to consider the accuracy, cost, and convenience of the different options. No matter which tool you choose, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to get accurate readings.

Setting up the measurement area

Before taking a measurement of PPFD, it is important to set up the measurement area properly to ensure accurate results. This includes determining the appropriate height for the measurement, considering the angle of the light source, and taking into account any obstacles that may affect the measurement.

The measurement height is important because it determines the distance between the light source and the measurement area. As a general rule, the measurement should be taken at the same height as the plant canopy, as this is where the plant receives the most light. If the measurement is taken too high or too low, the result may not accurately reflect the amount of light the plant is actually receiving.

The angle of the light source is also important to consider. When the light source is directly overhead, the PPFD measurement will be higher than if the light source is at an angle. This is because the photons are more spread out when the light source is at an angle, resulting in a lower PPFD measurement.

Obstacles that may affect the measurement include things like leaves, branches, and other plants. These can block or diffuse the light, resulting in a lower PPFD measurement. It is important to take these obstacles into account and try to minimize their impact on the measurement by choosing a clear area for the measurement or using a light meter with a larger sensing area.

By setting up the measurement area properly, you can ensure that the PPFD measurement accurately reflects the amount of light the plant is receiving. This will help you make informed decisions about how to optimize the light conditions for your plants.

Taking the measurement

Once you have chosen the appropriate measurement tool and set up the measurement area, it is time to take the measurement. It is important to follow the instructions for your chosen measurement tool carefully to ensure accurate results.

For quantum meters and light meters, this typically involves turning on the device and holding it close to the measurement area. The device will display the PPFD measurement in units of micromoles per square meter per second (μmol/m²/s). It is important to record the measurement and make note of any relevant details, such as the time of day, the angle of the light source, and the height of the measurement.

If you are using a smartphone app to measure PPFD, the process will vary depending on the specific app. Some apps may use the camera and flash on the phone, while others may use the ambient light sensor. Follow the instructions for the app to take the measurement. It is important to note that smartphone apps may not be as accurate as dedicated measurement tools, and the accuracy can vary depending on the quality of the phone’s camera and sensor.

To get an accurate average PPFD measurement for a specific area, it is important to take multiple measurements at different points within the measurement area. This will help to account for any variations in the light intensity and ensure that the result reflects the overall light conditions for the plant.

Once you have taken the measurement, it is important to record the result and any relevant details for future reference. This will allow you to track the PPFD levels over time and make any necessary adjustments to the light conditions as needed.

Interpreting the measurement

Once you have taken a measurement of PPFD, it is important to interpret the result to determine the appropriate course of action. The optimal PPFD range for a specific plant species will depend on the specific light requirements of the plant and the growth stage it is in.

To determine the optimal PPFD range for your plant, you can consult resources such as plant care guides or speak with a horticulturalist. It is important to note that different plant species may have different light requirements, so it is important to consider the specific needs of your plant.

If the measurement falls within the optimal PPFD range for the plant, it is likely that the plant is receiving an appropriate amount of light. However, if the measurement is too low, it may be necessary to increase the intensity or duration of the light source to provide the plant with more light. On the other hand, if the measurement is too high, it may be necessary to decrease the intensity or duration of the light source to prevent the plant from becoming stressed.

By comparing the measurement to the optimal PPFD range and making any necessary adjustments to the light conditions, you can help ensure that your plant receives the optimal amount of light for healthy growth. It is important to regularly monitor and adjust the PPFD levels to ensure that the plant is receiving the right amount of light at all times.


In this blog, we have gone over the steps for accurately measuring PPFD and interpreting the results to optimize plant growth. We have covered the tools needed for measurement, including quantum meters, light meters, and smartphone apps, as well as the importance of setting up the measurement area properly and taking multiple measurements to get an average value. We have also discussed the importance of comparing the measurement to the optimal PPFD range for the specific plant species and making any necessary adjustments to the light conditions.

By following these steps and regularly monitoring and adjusting PPFD, you can help ensure that your plants receive the optimal amount of light for healthy growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PPFD and why is it important?

 PPFD stands for photosynthetic photon flux density and it measures the amount of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) that reaches a specific area per second. PAR is the range of wavelengths of light that plants can use for photosynthesis, and it falls within the 400-700 nanometer range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Accurately measuring PPFD is crucial for ensuring that plants receive the optimal amount of light for their specific needs. Too little light can result in slow or stunted growth, while too much can cause plants to become stressed or even die. The PPFD level can also affect the rate at which plants produce flowers and fruit.

What tools can I use to measure PPFD?

There are a variety of tools available for measuring PPFD, including quantum meters, light meters, and smartphone apps. Quantum meters are specialized devices designed specifically for measuring PPFD and are typically more accurate and reliable than other types of PPFD measurement tools. Light meters are more general-purpose devices that can measure a wide range of light intensities and wavelengths, but may not be as accurate as quantum meters for measuring PPFD. Smartphone apps are a convenient and low-cost option, but may not be as accurate as dedicated measurement tools.

How do I set up the measurement area?

To set up the measurement area properly, you should determine the appropriate height for the measurement (typically the same height as the plant canopy), consider the angle of the light source, and take into account any obstacles that may affect the measurement. By setting up the measurement area properly, you can ensure that the PPFD measurement accurately reflects the amount of light the plant is receiving.

How do I take the measurement?

To take the measurement, follow the instructions for your chosen measurement tool carefully. For quantum meters and light meters, this typically involves turning on the device and holding it close to the measurement area. The device will display the PPFD measurement in units of micromoles per square meter per second (μmol/m²/s). If you are using a smartphone app to measure PPFD, the process will vary depending on the specific app. Once the measurement is taken, it is important to record the result and any relevant details for future reference. To get an accurate average PPFD measurement for a specific area, it is important to take multiple measurements at different points within the measurement area.

How do I interpret the measurement?

To interpret the measurement, compare it to the optimal PPFD range for the specific plant species. The optimal range will depend on the specific light requirements of the plant and the growth stage it is in. If the measurement falls within the optimal range, it is likely that the plant is receiving an appropriate amount of light. If the measurement is too low, it may be necessary to increase the intensity or duration of the light source to provide the plant with more light. If the measurement is too high, it may be necessary to decrease the intensity or duration of the light source to prevent the plant from becoming stressed. By regularly monitoring and adjusting the PPFD levels, you can help ensure that your plant receives the optimal amount of light for healthy growth.